Besides the translation/interpreting activity, we had the opportunity to offer our organizational assistance and support to artists and lecturers willing to present their works to the Italian public.

Ancient town of tradition and culture, recognized by UNESCO as a “World Heritage Site”, offered the perfect hospitality for the event, which took place from May 10th to 15th, 2000, under the sponsorship of BIKEN INTERNATIONAL (Tokyo) and the patronage of Urbino Municipality, Pesaro e Urbino Province, Marche Region and of the Japanese Culture Institute.

A part of the Calligraphy Section, held at the Ancient Santa Chiara Monastery.

The section dedicated to artists from the Associazione Urbino Arte. Amongst the local artists: Associazione Urbino Arte – Arte Cultura e Conoscenza, Associazione Raku 4 Elementi, and independent artists Sante Arduini, Giorgio Bompadre, Martha Belbusti.
Urbino’s major Artistic Institutions worked together to allow for the event to be spread throughout the entire territory, with 4 different venues: Ancient S. Chiara Monastery (nowadays seat of the Superior Institute for the Artistic Industries – I.S.I.A.), Raffaello Sanzio Birth House, Viviani Gallery (nowadays seat of Raffaello’s Academy) and Palazzina Sabatelli, located in St. Ippolito.

Opening ceremony attended by BIKEN INTERNATIONAL’s President Mr. Yu Kaburagi and by Urbino municipal authorities.

Japanese artists personally participating in the event had the opportunity to exhibit their works in a place of important artistic tradition and to spread their culture.

Furthermore, Japanese artists received proper recognition of their talents during an Official Ceremony held at Sala Serpieri, Urbino City.

Mayor, Mr. M. Galuzzi and Associazione Urbino Arte’s President, Prof. Vitaliano Angelini took part in the ceremony and personally presented awards to attending artists.
The exhibition was divided in five sections:
- Modern Art: “Homage to Italy” Oil Paintings, Water-color Paintings, Pastels, Prints and Photographs
- Traditional Art: Traditional Japanese Paintings, Leather Handicrafts, Mask of the Noh Theater, Kimonos
- Plastic Art: Artistic Ceramics, Modern Handicrafts, Wooden Carving, Bronze Sculptures, Traditional Japanese Dolls
- Italian Culture: Art works by Urbino’s artists
- Calligraphy: Traditional and Modern Japanese Calligraphy, including avant-garde

The event included a series of lessons and practical demonstrations of traditional Japanese artistic methods and techniques, conducted by masters of the art of Japanese calligraphy.

Such sessions established the idea of cultural exchange and received wide acclaim from the public. Amongst the public in attendance, there were many students from the Art Institutes of Urbino who had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and to get inspiration from the Japanese techniques presented.

On the same day, a gala dinner was held, attended by city authorities and by Urbino’s artists, who had the opportunity to be in direct contact with and to establish relationships with their Japanese colleagues.

A Baroque Music Concert held at the private Chapel of Palazzina Sabatelli, performed by both Japanese and Western instrumentalists, enlivened the evening for the guests in attendance.
The event met with outstanding success and received favorable comments by the media.
After the great success of the event held in Urbino (10-15 May, 2000) a second edition of the exhibition, dedicated to Japanese contemporary art, was organised in Riccione, from 28 June 28 to July 5, 2000.
Like Urbino’s event, the “Global Earth Festival” was well received and supported by Riccione institutions, who happily granted their patronage.
Riccione’s Palazzo del Turismo hosted a total of 330 art works, amongst which there were 307 from Japan and 23 representing the artistic world of Riccione.
The exhibition attracted a large number of visitors and enjoyed extensive reporting by the media.

In close cooperation with Associazione Armonia, based in Frascati, Koala International Services, Ltd. endeavored to present a genuine overview of a country still judged to be “very distant” from our culture, yet a country that fascinates us nonetheless, particularly by some of the practical disciplines born within its cultural tradition, but now well known and popular also in Italy.

The program included a permanent exhibition of works of: Japanese Calligraphy; Raku Ceramics; Bonsai; Ikebana; and three photographic displays; in addition to a number of practical demonstrations regarding: the Tea Ceremony; Ikebana flower arrangements; Origami; and Raku ceramics techniques.
The event “Fascination from Japan” took place under the sponsorship of Japan Embassy, Rome Province, Frascati Municipality, and Monteporzio Catone Municipality from September 22 to 30, 2001, gaining the enthusiastic participation of the public, most especially during the sessions of practical demonstrations.

Masaru Emoto Lecture
After meeting Masaru EMOTO on the occasion of his first lecture on “Water crystals: a message to the human consciousness”, held during the 7th International Meeting of Parapsychology, taking place in Riccione in March 2001, and providing on that occasion only interpreting assistance, the collaboration between Koala International Services, Ltd. and ELODIA GmbH, organizer of Masaru EMOTO lecture tour, went on for the next 2 years in order to actively promote and disseminate the message of the Japanese scientist in Italy.
During the lecture tour “Water crystals: wonderful hidden messages” Koala International Services, Ltd. sought to provide its organizational support, in collaboration with Associazione Armonia, based in Frascati, for the organization of the lecture, held on December 3, 2002 at the Auditorium of the Aldobrandini Stables in Frascati.

In Japan, organizational support was provided to TUMLARE, for the organization of a series of concerts in various cities of Japan in the years 2016 and 2017.

We are always interested in and open to new collaborative opportunities with individual artists or event planning companies that may need help in the organization of events both in Italy and in Japan.
Contact us explaining briefly what your needs are and we will assist you, always offering only the best!
Questions? Send us a mail
# 105 Kotasu Komori
352 Higashiuoya-cho, Kamigyo-ku Kyoto Kyoto 602-0838
Where we are